Friday, November 6, 2009

One Book, One Special Book...

I realized why I want to write just one book that can translate across the world one single idea. Like Harper Lee in "To Kill a Mocking Bird." Step in someone's shoes, feel the stretch of their skin and the rhythm of their heartbeat before judging them. We all have a Boo, a May-Ella, and a Tom Robinson in our lives--let's step in before we step out. 
Harper Lee only needed one moment to voice it all and those pages speak forever--resounding as an echo. 
I want to echo in some corridor of someone's heart. 
I've spent a lot of time feeling misunderstood. I doubt my instincts in a moment, wishing I'd spoken one way or another. The next step is discovering what needs to be said. So much being covered and re-covered before, like a family heirloom that sits in the same corner, yet is transformed every other decade to save face. 
Though I don't want to be self-indulgent. Daily I seek to find the truth, speaking through my voice, without being blind to it's sound. I've known mostly good things in my life thus far; others know and see the worst that life can afford. How will the stories I tell be relevant to many? 
These are the questions I face, yet they don't deter me from writing. Although, I sing and never regret a moment of it, writing is an art form I cannot shake. I'm discovering that I can live for a day, a week, or even a month without singing...but the minute I realize I've not written a thought down in the course of a day, I start mindlessly searching at the bottom of my Mary Poppin's carpet bag for a spare page and pen. Life becomes a haze until I've relinquished the thoughts swirling in my mind like one of those home made tornado machines from grade school. 
I write and then I sing, because I have again reconnected with the voice that used to only speak through my singing. Now, they can flow as one and the same. There is a strange juxtaposition and reliance upon the other--like the love affair between the moon and the sun. Singing was my platform of self expression from early childhood to today, 2009. Writing was a revelation that has taken several seasons and growth spurts to reach working status. Now it is a catalyst and I am thankful for it. 
I want to echo in some corridor of someone's heart.